The Role of Bystander Intervention in Promoting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace

Building a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace involves more than just setting policies. It demands that every member of the organisation fully grasp its meaning and know how to implement its principles in their daily practices. 

When an individual witnesses and disregards a prejudiced attack, whether intentionally or due to a lack of awareness of its discriminatory nature, they may inadvertently signal approval or reinforcement of the offender’s behaviour, further isolating the targeted individual. These individuals are popularly referred to as “bystanders”. 

Violence and aggression, whether on a large scale or in subtle forms, perpetuate discrimination based on various characteristics such as age, ethnicity, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or a combination thereof. According to a 2024 report by Gitnux Market, it indicates that 60% of bullying instances come to an end when a bystander steps in. 

By educating and empowering individuals to address prejudiced behaviour and speak up against discriminatory language or actions at the moment, we can cultivate a workplace culture where individuals actively stand against discrimination, making it the societal norm, and fostering a safer, more inclusive environment for all.

Source: College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Walden University (2022)

The chart above shows the impact of bystander intervention on workplace diversity and inclusion. Factors like witnessing bullying, organisational support, and employee engagement were measured using the Negative Acts Questionnaire (NAQ), Survey of Perceived Organisational Support (SPOS), and Utrecht Work Engagement Scale-9 (UWES-9). 

Findings show lower levels of workplace bullying and perceived support, with moderate employee engagement. It highlights the crucial role of bystander intervention in addressing workplace challenges and fostering diversity and inclusion.

Bystander intervention extends beyond mere observation, enabling individuals to actively participate in fostering safer and more supportive environments. By equipping bystanders with the necessary knowledge and tools to intervene effectively in cases of bias or discrimination, we collaboratively strive to dismantle detrimental behaviours and attitudes. 

Implementing bystander intervention training is widely regarded as an effective strategy for preventing inappropriate workplace behaviour from escalating into harassment. It should be leveraged to cultivate a shared sense of responsibility and business rationale among employees. 

Effective bystander intervention involves several key steps, including:

Notice the Behaviour: Encouraging employees to be vigilant and observant of their surroundings, recognising signs of inappropriate behaviour or bias.

Interpret the Behaviour: Helping individuals understand the impact of the behaviour on others and its inconsistency with the organisation’s values of diversity and inclusion.

Decide How to Intervene: Provide employees with strategies for intervening safely and effectively, whether by directly addressing the behaviour, seeking support from others, or reporting the incident through appropriate channels.

Bystander intervention plays an important role in fostering a culture of accountability within the workplace. By intervening when they observe misconduct, bystanders contribute to the message that harassment is unacceptable, thereby reinforcing the organisation’s anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policies. Significantly, this approach harnesses community members as catalysts for change, ensuring a safe environment for all not only during incidents but also in their aftermath.

The role of bystander intervention in promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace cannot be overstated. By empowering employees to become active bystanders, organisations can create a culture where diversity is celebrated, inclusion is the norm, and everyone has the opportunity to thrive. 

By embracing bystander intervention as a core component of their diversity and inclusion strategy, organisations are not only able to mitigate risk and improve employee morale but also drive innovation, creativity, and sustainable business success in the long run.



  1. Bowling Green State University 2024. Bystander Intervention and Awareness
  2. Syntrio Mitratech (2023). The Importance of Bystander Intervention
  3. Culture ally (2023). What is Bystander Intervention Training?
  4. EPSTEIN BECKER GREEN (2023). The Role of Bystander Intervention in Preventing Workplace Harassment
  5. Gitnux 2023. Must-Know Bullying Bystander Statistics 


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